Tuesday, April 8, 2008

About Project White Belt

Hello and welcome, friends of videogaming and other forms of electronic entertainment. I am here to tell you a little about a groundbreaking project I am involved with. When this project will be revealed - most likely in October next year - it will send shockwaves through the videogame industry. What I am going to call Project White Belt here will be the end of traditional gaming and you will want to be a part of it, believe me.

Behind the project are a number of key technology partners you, as gamers, may not know. It is spearheaded, however, by a company you are all very familiar with. Of course, the project is not codenamed Project White Belt internally. But the name chosen for this public outing reflects the project, as you will see.

Now, cynics may suspect that I am a fraud, since such disclosure, such indiscretion would be tantamount to a breach of confidentiality and come with severe penalties attached. But the opposite is the case here. All I can say here is that Project White Belt and the company behind it are actively seeking publicity, albeit - at this stage - exclusively through low-key channels such as this medium. You may soon come across similar channels that bear the same reference.

Why a public outing? Suffice it to say that the project in its current stage involves recruiting a first circle of what we call pundits, who will receive exclusive privileges once the project and its subsequent service move into their next phase. I know this is all very cryptic, but soon you will be extremely happy for having become a pundit. If you understood Project White Belt, you would understand. And soon you will. I invite you to ask questions, but also ask your understanding when I am unable to answer.

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